Monday, June 22, 2009

Get Perfect Job with Video Resume

Now here is something I thought of in the early 1990's while in Grad School at age 50. I used video for many projects in college, and thought this would be a good idea at that time.

by Adityasnv Bannatwala

Have you ever heard about the video resume? Video resume is great resource for job seeker who wants to show their abilities beyond the capabilities of traditional paper resume. Now the prospective employers can see, hear and get feel for how the candidate presents themselves.
First video resume was introduced in the 1980s but it was not successful because for use and distribution it needed the hard drive. Now the situation is completely different with the modern capabilities of transmitting streaming video via the internet, video resume become very popular. Now video resume are widely accepted by companies throughout the world for selecting the employee. 4quz7a52cn

Video resumes are mainly use by the people who wants to participate in singing and dancing competition. They can easily show their certain skills, such as leadership, presentation, and creative abilities with the help of video resume. But now it is successfully used in more fields such as information technology. Some IT professional make their video resume as a way to showcase both their soft skill and technical skill (such as graphic design, animation, and programming projects). One common mistake that many people make in their resume is to underrate the value of non-technical skills, such as the ability to communicate and work with co-workers. Soft skill is very important it made the first impression on the employer.

How to Create a Video Resume You needs to be very careful when create a video resume, making a video resume has never been easier. As with a traditional resume, a video resume should concisely explain your skills and accomplishments as they relate to a prospective employer.

• The first thing you should do when creating a video resume is found out how you want to present yourself on camera. In other words, what do you want employers to take away from your video? You are in the performing arts; you will probably want to showcase your talent. If you are in business, you may want to demonstrate your leadership or speaking skills. If you are an IT professional, you will probably want to show your soft and technical skill. • Clearly tell why employers should hire YOU over other applicants. Prepare your "elevator pitch" before you sit down to record your Video. Know what your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is, and deliver it with confidence. • Body Language: A large percentage of human communication is non-verbal, so be aware of what your body language is telling Employers about you! A Video Resume can be unique and professional at the same time, so relax, have some fun and show your personality. You want to project your professionalism and personality with enthusiasm, so smile and deliver your message with confidence.

The novelty of video resumes can provide an advantage over traditional paper resumes. They are best used in two situations: to open doors to a select few employers who you are targeting, or to move forward a stalled phone interview process. Whereas a hiring manager may spend 10 seconds scanning a resume looking for a reason to reject a candidate, a video resume is something different, and therefore could hook a hirer's attention. But, there are disadvantages that you should be aware of before using a video resume. The video resume should not be viewed as a replacement for the traditional resume but as a potential complement, especially if you have strong communication skills and impressive work samples that are sought after by IT employers. A well-executed video resume can provide advantages to certain job seekers, including IT professionals who are looking for a way to highlight soft skills, technical abilities, and portfolio examples not accurately reflected on traditional resumes.